Saturday, May 18, 2013

Capstone, Week 2

ProAction of Steuben and Yates, Inc.

This is a local organization that promotes financial self-suficiency and quality family life.  They fully support families in becoming self-suficient by partnering with them to find the programs that help them achieve this milestone.  Some of their programs include family services, early care and education, nutrition education, senior well-being, and community partnerships. 


Their job openings include both paid and volunteer opportunities.  Currently, they are seeking a Family Resource Center Coordinator.  This person is responsible for the daily operations of the Family Resource Center in Bath, including family programsing, parent education, drop-in play, and special events.  It requires a BA in Early Childhood and 5 years experience.  I believe that my current program would give me the education and background, but my experience would be limited in the director role.



Steuben County Special Children’s Services


This is a county program through New York State, that provides services to families and children, including Physically Handicapped Children’s Program, Preschool programs, early intervention, and other special needs directly related to children.  This community organization provides service to families who are looking for resources for children with special needs.  As an early childhood educator with special needs students in my class, it is important that I have connections with the community and state to direct families to when they are in need of services.


There are currently no openings with this organization.  In the future if I become interested in a position, I would have to take the Civil Service Exam along with a job specific exam.  Educaitonal and experience requirements vary by job opening.



New York State Council on Children and Families


This state council provides information and resources for early childhood educators, lawmakers, families, and support staff.  The council has three major strategic goals which are to provide children and families with access to support, access to high quality care, and coordinated services for the child and their family.  They provide a variety of resources for different aspects of the early childhood field, such as the Early Childhood Advisory Council, Early Childhood Career Development, and Head Start.  There are a wide-range of informational sites that are all grouped together under this state agency.  This website will be helpful as I seek out sources for state-wide information regarding standards and quality in New York State programs.


The jobs in this council are all state jobs, requiring a civil service exam.  There are also educational and experience requirements based on the specific job.  There would be a variety of job options once I obtain my degree in Early Childhood.


1 comment:

  1. Stacy,

    The jobs that you found seem to be dedicated to serving families. This assignment has made me realized that I am more ready than I have ever been to begin transitioning into a new career. Once you obtain your degree do you plan on making a career change? I enjoy working with children and families and I believe that my dedication will remain in the field of early childhood. Thanks for sharing.
