Trish, the director of a child care center in Australia, has much insight to offer regarding issues and trends in early education in her country. Here are her responses to this week's questions:
What issues regarding quality and early childhood professionals are being discussed where you live and work?
Trish replied that one of the issues regarding professionals in the field is quality and qualifications, with the push being towards a better, more-highly qualified staff. The former requirement for classroom teachers was simply a diploma. Now there is a requirement for Bachelor's degrees and a teaching licence if working with children the year before they enter formal schooling (much like our Pre-K programs here). With this being a new push, there is a gradual phasing in approach. By 2014, all programs, regardless of numbers or ages of children, must have a full-time person on site who has a Bachelor's degree, and by 2018 must employ at least two full-time people with Bachelor's degrees. Although this new push has increased the recognition of the importance of Early Education, there is little recognition of the need for increased wages. The same wage issues present themselves in Australia as they do in the US, with low pay and little recognition. Trish did mention large labor unions who are fighting for better wages to accompany higher standards. The National Standards, that I have mentioned in prior posts, are creating better programs nationwide, while still allowing for states to carry out the assessments and ratings according to the Federal Authority (Australian Children's Education and Care Quality Authority, also known as ACECQA).
What opportunities and/or requirements for professional development exist?
Trish stated that professional development is not mandated by law in Australia for ECE professionals, but is left to each facility to keep their educator up to date on best practices and changes. It is also part of the quality measures that each program assesses when implementing the new standards. There is a program in Trish's state and region that provides funding for professional development for EVE professionals. Participants are simply required to pay a small fee, based on the session time. Trish is part of the Professional Support Network in her State and meets with her team every six weeks to organize professional Development programs for their region. She states that due to this funding, she is able to send her entire staff for the same cost that it would have been to send one!
What are your professional goals, hopes, dreams, and challenges?
Trish is fully committed to attaining the national rating of excellence for her program. She also is studying to complete her Bachelor's in ECE to upgrade her own credentials to meet the needs of her students and staff. She also believes her role is to fight for the rights of children under the Australian Code of Practice and also the United Nation's Convention on Rights of the Child. At the end of the day, it is Trish's goal that she would have made a difference in the life of just one child. She states, "The best things we can provide young children with is the opportunity to engage in quality play based learning, while in a place where they are loved and respected, safe and secure."
It is with great gratitude that I have been able to work with Trish over the last few weeks. She is an inspiration to me, and her heart and passion for her work and the children and families she works with is clearly evident in the way she describes her center. Thank you, Trish, for all your insight and wisdom! Good luck in your journey of changing the world, one child at a time!